Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Matthew, The Super Hero!

So Matthew last week decided to climb up on his CHEST HIGH dresser and jump off of it. I am not sure which super hero he thought he was, but I am sure that it was one that flies. So this happened on Monday afternoon. When Steve got home from work, he checked out the foot because Matthew wouldn't walk on it at all. He crawled everywhere. Steve said give it a couple of days, because there was no swelling or anything. By late Tuesday he still wasn't walking on it at all. And much to my chagrin, he missed pre-school that day too. I took him in to get x-rays. Luckily there was no broken bones, he just has a bad sprained ankle. He is still hopping around but otherwise, most of the time it doesn't bother him. I was really grateful that he didn't break anything. So he was asked if that was a good choice? He said "Yes then No." He then was aksed if he was going to do it again. Then he said "Yes and then No". So hopefully he means the latter rather than the first. Otherwise, we may have an update to this post!!

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