Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally Christmas Eve and Morning

So after we spent time on Christmas Eve at Felices house (see previous Christmas post). We came home with Aunt Jenny and kids, Rob (Bette's brother) and Michelle and kids, and Mom and us. We did our family gift exchange and had hot chocolate and cookies. We had a good time and then it was time for everyone to go home and go to bed after we tracked Santa and found out that he was getting close. We also had the boys open their "present" with the annual matching PJ's (Thanks to Old Navy for having all the same pairs in the right sizes).

Mema (Bette's Mom) A beautiful robe

Matthew and Daddy (A firetruck)

A bunch of us. Bette (got a bag with her name embroidered on it) From her Aunt Jenny.

All of the kids. (Ava, Julia, Spencer, Sidney, Justin, Matthew, Michael, Benjamin) I think all we are missing in this picture as far as kids is Steven.

Michelle with her head cut off (SORRY) And Hunter the cutest little baby dressed in his striped holiday shirt, and his new hat from Little Steven.

The boys in their matching pajamas. Sorry, the lighting stinks.

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